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Student Sponsorship

Children's Education Development Fund


CEDF is a non governmental and non-profit organisation founded in 2007 to provide support education for disadvantaged and vulnerable children in Uganda.

CEDF works to support, educate and empower children and young people through the provision of sustainable education, medical and income generating programmes, while promoting and supporting sustainability.

CEDF’s Supported projects in Masaka, Uganda

  • Moloney Medical Centre.
  • Fees support for girls at John Baptist Secondary school
  • Agriculture and Farming Projects
  • Women’s business start up.

School primary objectives are:

  • To empower the disadvantaged young adults of the community, especially the females, with secondary education and practical knowledge, skills needed to maintain a sustainable living
  • To produce self-reliant people who are job makers rather than job seekers and at the same time, create a resource base to meet the demand for trained personnel
  • To address unemployment among the youth at Lwannunda and the surrounding areas

The John Baptist Girls Secondary school

The Girls School offers Academic Subjects at Secondary level and some Vocational skills.

While the Vocational Institute has been running since 2008 a brand new building has opened its doors in 2017. This will allow for the Girls education to expanding the range of subjects offered to cover the Secondary level curriculum as well as the practical skills of the vocational training. Enrollment is taking place.

What you should know about our students:

  • 40% of the students are orphans who have lost their parents to HIV/AIDS. Other students come from very low income families which are not able to support their education. Only approximately 50% of the students can afford to pay school fees with no external support.
  • Efforts are put in place to ensure that the students who can’t afford to pay for their education have access to sponsorship to cover their fees and therefore stay in education.
  • Either partial sponsorship or full sponsorship schemes are available, to sustain the students who can only pay half of their school fees or the ones that can’t afford any of it.
  • The teacher salaries are covered by the school fees which are therefore a vital input to the running of the school and its fundamental input in improving this community in rural Uganda.

Students Sponsorship Scheme

  • Students who are in need of sponsorship forward an application to the school Programmes Manager. The application must be endorsed by the chairperson of the local Council, and the head of local group where the applicant resides.
  • The School Projects Officer visits the applicant at their own home and interviews both them and their guardians/parents to assess whether they qualify for sponsorship.
  • The Schools Board of Directors along with CEDF award sponsorship to the eligible applicants in order of priority of their needs.

Students seeking sponsorship must:

  • Be 12 – 24 years of age
  • have successfully passed Primary leaving Exams and obtained marks eligible for secondary education
  • be enlisted as in need of financial assistance following the assessment by the school Development Officer

At the time of applying, students agree that their personal details will be supplied to prospective sponsors. Students will be matched to individual sponsors who will be kept updated via mail on the progress of the student.

Fee structure

The annual costs to sponsor an individual student are outlined below:

• Day Students - Partial Sponsorship: €10 per month
• Day student - Full Sponsorship: €18 per month
• Boarding Students - Partial Sponsorship: €20 per month
• Boarding Students - Full Sponsorship: €36 per month

Fees cover the following:

  • Day students – school fees including teacher salaries & Lunches
  • Boarding Students– school fees including teacher salaries, meals and accommodation


Companies Registration Office Number: 432277 | Registered Charity Number (RCN): 2006 5195 | Revenue Charity Number: CHY 17489